Indonesian Retrievers

For the breeders, fanciers, and owners of Golden and Labrador Retrievers in Indonesia

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We do NOT sell dogs here

In this homepage, you can find the latest information about Golden and Labrador Retrievers in Indonesia. Here, you can find links to information about these two wonderful breeds available on the Internet. 

Should you have any important info not available here, please send the links to Golden, and they will be added to this homepage.

Thank you for visiting the homepage. Because it is always in construction, feel free to visit the homepage regularly.

You can start browsing this homepage by clicking the button below.

Also, there're some articles in Bahasa Indonesia about Golden. You can read them by clicking the following button.


This homepage was last changed on Thursday, July 13, 2000 .

This Indonesian Retriever homepage is managed by Golden. We're located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. To obtain more info, feel free to contact us at 08122338775, or email us at

Semua informasi dan citra di sini dilindungi oleh UU Hak Cipta. Tidak ada bagian apa pun dari homepage ini yang boleh digunakan, tanpa sepengetahuan Golden, kecuali untuk keperluan sendiri dan non-komersial.