Indonesian Retriever
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Golden, Lab Links

Golden Related Info

Golden Retriever Standard according to American Kennel Club. You have to read it to know what Golden Retriever should look like.
Dog's Owner's Guide Profile of Golden Retriever -- It's a very informative article.
The Golden Retriever Homepage of k9web -- It is also very good.
Golden Retriever Connections
Golden Retriever Information
Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace

Lab Related Info

The Standard of Labrador Retriever according to American Kennel Club
The Labrador Retriever Homepage of k9web -- It's very informative. You have to read it, before considering a Lab.
Labrador Retriever FAQ
High Performance Labs Archives
Coat Color Inheritance in the Labrador -- Curious why yellow lab and yellow lab always produce yellow puppies?
Labrador Info
Labrador Breeders Around the Globe
Labrador Genetics-- It's very digestable and excellent. If you want to be a Lab breeder, read and learn the articles there.
LABSR4U HOMEPAGE -- Mailing list for all Lab fanciers. It's a very intensive mailing list.
Labrador World


Semua informasi dan citra di sini dilindungi oleh UU Hak Cipta. Tidak ada bagian apa pun dari homepage ini yang boleh digunakan, tanpa sepengetahuan Golden, kecuali untuk keperluan sendiri dan non-komersial.